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Acoustic Guitar Icon
  • All Ages

  • All levels from Beginner to Advanced

  • Lessons available in-person or online

  • Specialising in styles:
    Rock / Metal / Pop / Blues / Acoustic / Fingerstyle

  • All techniques and topics covered:
    Rhythm / Lead / Theory / Sight Reading / Improvisation

  • Beginner Guitar Lessons

  • Kids Guitar Lessons

  • Skype / Zoom Guitar Lessons

  • Rockschool / LCME / Trinity Grading Syllabus Covered

  • 30 min / 45 min / 1-hour Lessons Available

  • Fully Insured Musician’s Union Member

  • Registered RGT Tutor

  • DBS Verified

Adam Hooton Guitar Teacher


Learn to play guitar from the comfort of your home with online lessons via Skype and Zoom!

In addition to in-person lessons, I also offer the flexibility of online lessons, allowing you to learn from anywhere.

Online guitar lessons work much like in-person lessons and are a great option if you want to look further out for a teacher who you feel is right for you. It is also a convenient way of getting to and from your lessons!

With screen sharing, we can both view lesson materials simultaneously, and through webcam, I can closely assess your technique, provide detailed demonstrations and guidance just like a face-to-face session.

Lessons include all material in PDF format, audio and video.

What you’ll need:

  • Reliable internet connection

  • Decent quality webcam

  • Skype or Zoom account

Feel free to discuss your requirements with me before booking.

For any queries, or to arrange a lesson -  contact me here

Skype & Zoom Guitar Lessons Remote Guitar Lessons Online

  • Finalist in Guitarist magazine’s 1997 ‘Young Guitarist of the Year’ competition.
  • Professional guitar teacher with over 20 years of playing and teaching experience, both in schools and privately.
  • Extensive experience teaching all age groups, including one-to-one lessons, group classes, and band training workshops.
  • Lessons tailored to suit your individual taste and musical goals.
  • My aim is to help you develop in all areas of your playing, whether it’s learning a favorite song or passing your Grade 8 exam.

Rockschool - Get Off (Grade 1)

Tommy Emmanuel - Those Who Wait

Bark Certificate of Excellence 2020